Friday, April 13, 2012

On the Menu…Restaurante El Churrasco, Córdoba (Spain)

After strolling through the Judería and admiring the beautiful patios in this medieval Jewish quarter, take a break and enjoy a meal at El Churrasco Restaurante. Established in 1970, the restaurant is housed in traditional Córdoba-style building, complete with a beautiful interior patio.

El Churrasco is well known for its grilled meat dish - the restaurant's namesake - but also turns out a selection of classic Córdoba dishes, including gazpacho blanco de piñones (cold white gazpacho made from pine nuts), berenjenas crujientes con salmorejo Cordobés (crispy fried eggplant with salmorejo - see sidebar for more info), and rabos de añojo (bull's tail stew). Fish lovers will also delight in the variety offered, including tuna, swordfish, cod, and shrimp. For dessert try the pastel Cordobés, a cake made from puff pastry, sweet pumpkin filling and bits of Serrano ham.
  • Calle Romero, 16
  • Phone: (957) 290 819
  • Córdoba, Spain
  • Website: El Churrasco 
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